
Why be a member

There are three levels of ATLAANZ membership: The membership subscriptions are $50.00 per person. Being a subscribed member of ATLAANZ also entitles you use the Association’s e-mailing list. 

Full membership, at $50 per year, offers these benefits:

  • contributions from a network that informs and enhances institutional and individual practice via expert advice
    and knowledge sharing
  • the opportunity to participate in ATLAANZ activities, including professional development opportunities, usually at a reduced rate. Members can also apply for a research and travel grant.
  • free attendance to one of three annual regional hui
  • discounted members’ registration fee for ATLAANZ’s symposium and conference
  • the right to vote in ATLAANZ decisions and to stand for office on the Executive

Associate membership at $40 is for former members who are no longer active in the field and/or colleagues active in an allied field in the tertiary education sector.

Likewise, Affiliate membership is for members of our affiliated ICALLD organisations. (Please provide evidence of your affiliate status.) Associate and affiliate members may have all member benefits except financial schemes or programmes, and cannot stand for office or vote.

ATLAANZ currently has almost 200 members representing most tertiary organisations in New Zealand and a number in Australia. We welcome enquiries from providers of adult education about memberships for your learning support staff. 

The annual membership period is from 1 January to 31 December.