Recommended resources
ATLAANZ members are always developing helpful learning resources for the benefit of themselves, their students, and others in the sector. If you developed a useful resource that you’d like to share, fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
University of Auckland
ReferenCite – this is a web-based resource from the University of Auckland’s Student Learning Centre (creator: Jenny Marshall; originator: Emmanuel Manalo). It provides international perspectives on the practice of referencing, and a really useful and easy-to-use tool in Quick©ite. Currently APA and MLA are supported.
OWLL – Online Writing and Learning link at Massey University
Comprehensive range of resources and explanations on academic learning themes for learning themes.
Academic word of the day
Massey University, Student Learning Centre at Albany. Made available with PodOmatic by Martin McMorrow
A UK network providing free teaching and learning resources for staff in higher education. Contains complete interactive activities and worksheets on a range of academic learning themes.
Coming soon:
The tabbed resource collection below is currently being compiled from the resources ATLAANZ members provided in the Kete whaipānga, (Chatlaanz Resource Padlet July 2023. November 2023. Please give us til Christmas 2023 to finish it. ATLAANZ web team.
- Welcome
- Ngā Pūkenga Ako (Study skills)
- Rauemi parakatihi (Practice resources)
- Rauemi reo matatini (Literacy/Numeracy)
- Rauemi ā-hauā, ā-ia (Diversity group)
- Rauemi Tiriti (Treaty)
- Rauemi Māori (Māori)
- Rauemi Pacifica (Pacific)
- Rauemi ā rangahau (Research)
- Rauemi ā hauora (Wellbeing)
- Whakawhanake matawhaiora (personal dev)
- Rauemi pukapuka (books)
- Arā atu (Other: cool readings, poems, recipes etc)
He Kete Whaipānga | A kete of interest (shared resources)
Tēnā rā rawa atu koutou i tā koha mai he rauemi i tāu rourou; thanks everyone for sharing your best resources or links to resources of various teaching / learning practices, activities and research / personal development. (Click along the tabs above to find your favourite LA resources.)
Tania Oxenham (Te Pukenga | Wintec)
ATLAANZ President
One way for students – and LAs – to organise tasks into bite-size chunks, plus remember to allow time to relax and unwind. |
Pomofocus.ioA simple Pomodoro Timer app to help you focus. |
MSWord template of assignment planner from Te Herenga Waka: University of Victoria, Wellington. (Click image to download) |
Assignment plannerType your assignments directly into the cells. |
These are just a few of the lessons from the Academic Integrity course at the University of Waikato. If you want to adapt it for your learners let us know at: |
Academic Integrity courseA frame from one of the AI comic strip stories. |
This planner gives students an opportunity to put things into perspective. Students write their commitments and study goals for preparing and reviewing 1 hour before class, 1 hour after. (Click image to download) |
Weekly planner templatePlan your weekly classes and study sessions. |
Opportunity to put things into perspective
Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington |
Five resources including run-on sentences and exercises on academic writing style. Tutor and student copies including a handout for students. |
Manaaki Pūkenga, WintecAcademic writing style exercises |
Mix n Match Card Activity Useful as a simple ice-breaker exercise to introduce students to concise writing. |
Verbose to concise activity |
Helps new students identify time management issues and develop strategies to resolve them. Print, then laminate – cut into individual scenarios. One scenario per group. 10 – 15 minute activity includes feedback. |
Time management scenariosCreator: Tania Oxenham |
Unit conversions activity |
This document is for Bachelor Nursing year one students seeking to develop their concepts and skills in metric conversions.
Written by Margaret Evans, Unitec, and inspired by materials, authored by several Unitec Maths lecturers over the years. |
Metric conversions for nursing students |
A poster to remind staff preparing written resources of some ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’. Developed by Ana Terry and Amy Benians, Teaching and Learning Team, Otago Polytechnic Te Pukenga |
Dyslexia friendly tips |
1. Neurodiversity picture 2. Retrieved from Why I Love the Term ‘Neurodiversity’ and You Will Too! – Sue Larkey 3. A useful visual representation of what can be neurodiverse ways of being. |
Neurodiversity picture
What is neurodiversity handout |
A useful tool for ensuring that your handouts are improved for those with impairments. It is already included in your Office suite. |
Microsoft accessibility support |
Mīharo rawa atu te rauemi nei mā ngā tauira kē. A great resource for our international tauira. Published by NZ Society of Translators and Interpreters Te Rōpū Kaiwhakamāori ā waha, ā tuhi o Aotearoa. Contributed by Herewini Easton. |
About the Treaty x 30 |
This resource provided by the National Library of New Zealand provides videos with interviews and overviews of three iconic constitutional documents that shaped Aotearoa New Zealand history.
He Tohu and YouTube |
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1. Article: Tupuna Wahine, Saina, Tupuna Vaine, Matua Tupuna Fifine, Mapiag Hani: Grandmothers in the Archives 2. Authors: Greensill et al. , 2022 3. A view into how values are embodied through indigenous Pacific grandmothers and passed down. |
Connecting through our grandmothers |
1. Two Pacifica frameworks used in the health sector.
2. Authors: Tu’itahi (2007) & Pulotu-Endeman (2001) for each model. 3. A great introduction to useful Pacifica models of holistic engagement and wellbeing. |
Pacific Health Models: Fonua & Fonofale |
1. Pacific cultural competencies framework for teachers 2. Author: Ministry of Education 3. Provides useful guidelines for working responsively with Pasifika students and communities. |
Tapasā |
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Editors: Susan Carter and Deborah Laurs “This book represents collegial cross-fertilisation focussed on generic pedagogy, provided by contributors who are practitioners working and researching at the pan-disciplinary level which complements supervision.” –from the back cover |
Developing Generic Support for Doctoral Students |
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Use this form to let us know of a resource that you think would benefit other learning advisors working with tertiary students. Thank you in anticipation.