
Toitū te tangata — the whole person

a horizontal line of coloured silhouette people, adults, older adults, children, and two in wheelchairs

Image source: Pixabay

Past conferences and proceedings

Past conference proceedings

Click on the accordions below to see the conference proceedings for the year specified.  Links to the paper are marked by blue text, and open in a new tab or window.

2024 Online conference

Day 1

Ruma tahi

  1. Karakia, pōwhiri, waiata (Welcome)
  2. Keynote: Minds and Machines: Crafting a New Paradigm for Academic Success in the AI Era. Prof. Jason Lodge (University of Queensland)
  3. Trying to identify the impact of embedded academic literacy teaching through a systematic literature review. Dr Mark Bassett (AUT)
  4. How to meet students’ grammar needs: An experiment. Dr Mary Roberts-Schirato and Dr Nancy Marquez (VUW)
  5. Supporting Neurodiverse Students: Assessment Strategies. Dr Paola Tine and Dr Namali Suraweera (VUW)
  6. Reshaping the learning and formative assessment processes of Master of Applied Professional Studies (MAPS) students in the age of AI. Cindy de Villiers (Toi Ohomai)
  7. Exploring the possibilities of connecting service-learning with the PASS programme at Te Taiako–Student Learning. Dr Dung [Yung] Nguyen (VUW)
  8. Helping students navigate threshold concepts in a STEM Course. Andre Breedt and Vanessa van der Ham (AUT)
  9. Applying the lens of second language motivation research to interpret online learner motivation and demotivation. Dr Nigel Gearing (UoA)
  10. Supporting ‘distant’ learners. Ruth Thomas (Toi Ohomai)
  11. Guiding students through ethics and Te Tiriti o Waitangi obligations: How does your research conform to your university’s Treaty of Waitangi policies? Herewini Easton and Brittany Hoback (VUW)
  12. Annual General Meeting
  13. Kupu whakakapi – Closing comments & Special Presentation

Ruma rua

  1. Branching out: How learning advisors can promote student well-being through nature-based learning tools and interventions. Dr Kaaryn Cater (Whitireia)
  2. Individual consultations in a tertiary environment: Challenges, achievements, strategies. Dr Quentin Allan (AUT)
  3. (Canceled) Waiata | Song as a teaching tool: Co-constructing a song with MATLAANZ members for ATLAANZ. Tania Oxenham (Wintec) Tania will make a recording of this presentation available in 2025.
  4. Flighty like the pīwakawaka: Ongoing Insights from a national ADHD survey in Aotearoa. Associate Professor Byron Rangiwai (Unitec)
  5. 以不变应万变-remaining steady and constant to support our students to succeed in the changing world of education. Hua Dai and Whaea Lynda Toki (Unitec)
  6. Artificial Intelligence vs Ancestral Intelligence. Moe Nanai and Ta’ase Pusa (VUW)
  7. (Canceled) Tuakana-Teina ki Manaaki Pūkenga: Innovating team development towards cultural responsiveness. Tania Oxenham and Marion Tahana (Wintec) Tania will make a recording of this presentation available in 2025.

Ruma toru

  1. He hīkoi o ngā ākonga. Dr Emma Maurice (UoC)
  2. (Canceled) Te Project: Ngā Tapuwae i runga i te Whāriki – Tulagavae i Luga o le Fala. Footprints on the Mat capturing data of Māori and Pacific students who use Te Taiako Student Learning Services. Herewini Easton and Moe Nanai (VUW)
  3. Te pae o Toi – Redefining Māori academic excellence. Sonia Winikerei (Toi Ohomai)
  4. WĀNANGA: Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua II: Historical transitions and future pathways in tertiary learning advice in Aotearoa. Dr Josta Heyligers and I’u Tuagalu, and Dr Mona O’Shea Tarawa (AUT)


Day 2

Ruma tahi

  1. Karakia, waiata (Welcome)
  2. Keynote: Decolonising AI systems for improved data sovereignty. Dr Petera Hudson (Massey University)
  3. Navigating AI in our role as learning advisors. Otago Polytechnic Learning Advisor Team
  4. AI literacy fundamentals: What everyone needs to know before embarking. Merren Tait (Wintec)
  5. UX and LAs: “No, I’ll never read that ever” and other cool things we can learn from students about how to design online resources. Dr Mark Bassett (AUT)
  6. Student Panel. We are privileged to invite a group of ākonga | students from diverse backgrounds to join us and conclude our conference by sharing their experiences in the tertiary environment with reflections that can inform our practice and understanding of the modern ākonga in Aotearoa.
  7. Special Presentation
  8. Poroporoaki – Farewell

Ruma rua

  1. Fostering international students’ sense of belonging and readiness for study through Pre-Arrival Conversational English. Toi Ohomai Learning Facilitators
  2. Professional accreditation award scheme: Getting underway. Dr Deborah Laurs et alia
  3. Te Pūkenga Special Interest Group: Critical conversations for learning advisors inside and outside the proposed Federation model. Dawn Marsh (WITT)

Ruma toru

  1. WĀNANGA: At each conference, our Māori and Pacific members attend discussion forums to discuss contemporaneous cultural topics of interest. This year, Tania will provide some guidance around how this time can be utilised; then break-out rooms will be provided for the Māori and Pacific forums to continue in discussion. Herewini Easton (VUW)
Video not available (yet)
2022 Online conference in Zoom

Day 1

Ruma tahi

  1. Karakia, pōwhiri, waiata (Welcome)
  2. Keynote: Rethinking our repertoires: Innovative, integrative strategies for student thriving. Dr Deena Kara Shaffer
  3. The whole person concept in Mindful Education – Ka mua, ka muri – looking back to look forward.  Hua Dai & Whaea Lynda Toki (Unitec)
  4. The LNAAT: Lost in automation? Jo Spod (Toi Ohomai)
  5. Holistic support for Kura Kaupapa Māori graduates. Ruth Thomas (Toi Ohomai) | Recorded session Tāne-au-kaha, be brave and learn it anyway: Te Reo Rotarota Maori sign language Justine Quensell (Toi Ohomai) | Kōkiri: A culturally responsive programme for Māori and Pacific degree students redoing papers. Tania Oxenham (Wintec | Te Pūkenga)
  6. Understanding and working with neurodivergent students. Delphine Mitchell (Te Herenga Waka | Victoria, University of Wellington)
  7. Creating communities: Using Canvas to foster engagement and facilitate connections with/for neurodivergent students at university. Dulcie Brake, Glennis Wong-Toi, & Jodie Peterson (Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland)
  8. Please hear us: What neurosensitive students want educators to know and do to support them. Kaaryn Cater (Weltec & Whitireia)
  9. Sharing from our neurodiverse community of practice. Kristen Bracey, Marje Shadelee, & Sarah Woods (Otago Polytechnic)
  10. Annual General Meeting
  11. Mihi wakamutunga – closing comments

Ruma rua

  1. A holistic approach to enhancing students’ academic writing. Cindy Wee & Ruth Laing (Unitec)
  2. Virtual writing retreats. Andrea Haines & Maryam Mariya (Whare Wānanga o Waikato)
  3. Affirming our identity: Developing an ATLAANZ professional accreditation scheme. Deborah Laurs (Te Herenga Waka | VUW), Mona Malik (Te Pūkenga, Manukau), & Ruth Thomas (Toi Ohomai)

Ruma toru

  1. What might holistic support for distance learners look like? Ruth Thomas (Toi Ohomai)
  2. What are the biggest problems facing learners online and how do we minimise them? Nigel Gearing (Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland)
  3. Digital storytelling to engage and support toitū te tangata. Julie Wuthnow (University of Canterbury)


Day 2

Ruma tahi

  1. Karakia, pōwhiri, waiata (Welcome)
  2. Keynote: Doing things differently. Dr Robbie Frances Watene (First 20 minutes missing – apologies)
  3. Spoon Theory’: Understanding its original context and applying it to new contexts for student well-being. Brittany Hoback & Delphine Mitchell (Te Herenga Waka | Victoria University of Wellington)
  4. Cultural perspectives of health decisions and the concept of whānau. Hua Dai, Daisy Bentley-Gray, & Nina Pelling (Unitec)
  5. Bulding effective collaboration strategies between kaiāko and Taituarā Ākonga – Student Support. Marcus Brons (Toi Ohomai)
  6. Breakout 1: Te Pūkenga | Breakout 2: Neurodiversity (Breakout rooms not recorded)
  7. Student Panel. We are privileged to invite a group of ākonga | students from diverse backgrounds to join us and conclude our conference by sharing their experiences in the tertiary environment with reflections that can inform our practice and understanding of the modern ākonga in Aotearoa.
  8. Poroporoaki

Ruma rua

  1. Silence in tertiary classrooms: The experience of an international student. Behnam Soltani (WINTEC)
  2. Personalised English Language Enhancement (PELE) course for EAL students. Kerstin Dofs (Ara Institute of Canterbury)
  3. How does Te Taiako|Student Learning enact manaaki in the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship Programme? Louise Falepau & Kirsten Reid (Te Herenga Waka | Victoria University of Wellington)
  4. Breakout 1: International students | Breakout 2: ChatLAANZ (Breakout rooms not recorded)

Ruma toru

  1. Core competencies for Learning Advisors  Mona Malik (Te Pūkenga, Manukau)
  2. What does the future hold for learning support? Xiaodan Gao (Te Herenga Waka | Victoria University of Wellington)
  3. SIG: Managers
2018 University of Victoria, Wellington, Pipitea Campus
The conference theme of Beyond 2020 – Visioning Learning Advising in the Future was about exploring and sharing effective and innovative practices in learning advising. In a variety of workshops and presentations, delegates had the opportunity to learn, share and discuss ideas with learning advisors from New Zealand and abroad. In particular, we looked at some of the key changes, challenges and opportunities in our industry at the time, including:

  • Managing demand in innovative ways, whether through technology, different delivery modes or enhanced resources
  • Responding to environmental trends, such as changes in government policy and funding, institutional changes and technological advances
  • Developing learning partnerships, with both student groups (Māori, Pasifika, postgraduate, LGBTQI+) and institutions, community groups, academics and 3rd-party providers.

Keynote slides available

Harper, R. (2018)
Learning Advising: forces shaping our work, and the opportunities they offer.
Robertson, A. (2018)
20/20 vision: doing better for Māori and Pacific learners.

Speaker slides available

Braham, J. (2018)
Can ‘Students as Partners’ initiatives improve module evaluation and student satisfaction?
Brennan, K., & Russell, S. (2018)
Understand and deliver: Part A – Meeting student needs through service delivery (Part A).
Grossi, V. & Gurney, L. (2018)
Consultations, collaborations and contemporary challenges: Reflections on language advisory practice in HE
Roche, L. (2018)
Well-being and resilience building for tertiary learning advisors.
Jones, S. & Wickham, C. (2018)
Supporting students’ success: A partnership approach.
Harper, R. & Benzie, H. (2018)
Developing student writing in higher education: digital third-party products in distributed learning environments.
O’Connell, D., Hall, J., & Boniface, S. (2018)
Working as part of a fully integrated Academic & Careers Skills team (ACeS) at Lincoln University.
Natali, A. (2018)
The bridesmaid or the bride: Illuminating the impact of student support services on a range of student outcomes
Todd-Williamson, C., van der Ham, D., & Lyons, K. (2018)
Shifting technology ceilings: Digital design for learning consultants.
McMorrow, M. (2018)
A way with embedded skills.
McWilliams, R., Allan, Q., & Clout, S. (2018)
Embedding literacies in a certificate level paper: A case study.
Reid, K. (2018)
Peer observation as a tool for professional development.
Jeffrey, R. (2018)
Supporting students to maintain mental wellbeing and successful learning.
Harper, R. (2018)
Contract cheating and assessment: findings from a large-scale Australian research project
Fraser, T. (2018)
Bridging emergent practices: Art, writing and identity.
2016 Lincoln University, Christchurch

Whakatū – Whakahou
Responding to new realities

Keynote slides available

Mercier, O. (2017) 
Something beyond: Student Map-Making in Māori Studies.
Stewart, J. (2017)
Adding value to what we do
Chang, S. (2017)
Teaching and Learning Across Cultures.

Speaker slides available

Oxenham, T. (2017)
Kotahi te kōhao o te ngira: One document to bind them all [Prezi slides]
Protheroe, M. & Breen, F. (2017)
Maths anxiety and performance in the animal care programme.
Morris, B. & Sharp, G. (2017)
Assign writing in the first, second, or third person.
(See also: Gilbert, J. (2016). Monitoring Report: Bachelor of Applied Management and related Graduate Diplomas)
Fluker, G. (2017)
Using blended learning approaches: an academic skills support team collaborates to provide flexible study skills resources.
Richardson, M. (2017)
Transition to study: Multiple approaches to supporting international students in their first trimester of New Zealand tertiary study.
Roche, L. (2017) 
Developing a reflective practice with your peers.
McWilliams, R. & Magretts, K. (no link available)
A peer review process for Learning Advisors.
But see: One-on-one observation templateWorkshop observation templateSL guidelines for peer review
Tarawa, M., O’Shea, M., & McClutchie, A. (2017)
Foundations with intent: Te Fale Pouāwhina.
Silvester, M. & Borren, H. (2017)
Chaos to contemplation:Supporting students with dyslexia.
Sanjuán Bornay, N. (2017)
Bridging the English gap: achievements, challenges and new directions of a non-award English Language Support Program (ELSP).
Cater, K. (2017)
Please share our story: Students with sensory processing sensitivity call for awareness.
Daniel, S. & Breen, F. (2017)
Pasifika Project.
Acheson, C. (2017)
Managing the Academic Needs of Mature Students Returning to University for Postgraduate Professional Qualifications.
Wong-Toi, G., & Ede, J. (2017)
Disabilities Special Interest Group.
Woolf, S. (2017)
Supporting resilience through curriculum content in the first year of university.
Owler, K. (2017)
Thinking ‘critically’ about critical thinking.
Ridley, S. (2017)
Build & rebuild: The English as an Additional Language (EAL) student experience.
Sodardi, V. & Brogt, E. (2017)
Common student problems with assessment during the transition to university: Issues & implications for learning advisors.
Murphy, P. (2017)
Improving student learning: mathematics self-efficacy and deep approaches to learning.
Gilliver-Brown, K. & Ballinger, D. (2017)
The Integrity Games: a participatory approach to Academic Integrity.
Bassett, M. & Lees, A. (2017)
Building academic literacies in Web 2.0 spaces.
Laurs, D. (2017)
Supporting thesis students’ writing: feedback on feedback.
Russo, M. (2017)
Upskilling student numeracy.
Note: Michael has made the following documents available for modification and use at other institutions and welcomes any queries. Please acknowledge Michael Russo, Academic Skills Numeracy Adviser, and Mrs Coral Bayley, Lecturer in Nursing, Australian Catholic University, as the source. Numeracy for nursing quiz A2Numeracy for nursing quiz B2Sample replies to students
Ritchie, J. (2017)
Improving oral communication using a team judging activity to build transferable skills.
Brennan, K., Jeffrey, R., & Yeo, L. (2017)
Effective learning in New Zealand: Study skills for international students.
McClutchie, A. & O’Shea, M. (2017)
Learning through Wānanga.
Henderson, F., McWilliams, A., & Hammill, J., (2017)
Student negotiated assessment to build Academic Integrity.
Chow, G., Beckett, J., & Terrell, J. (2017)
Managing challenging behaviours
Grills, S. (2017)
Diverse Learners in a success course: A Canadian case study.
2013 Eastern Institute of Technology, Napier
Allan, Q. (2014)
Introducing grammar as a communicative resource: A functional approach.
Ayo, L. (2014)
Changing our understandings to enhance our connections: What contributes to successful learning experiences for Middle Eastern students in a New Zealand context?
Cameron, C. & Catt, C. (2014)
Learning Centre practice in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Preliminary report.
Cameron, C., Allan, Q., Gera, C., & McMorrow, M. (2014)
Human ethics issues for Tertiary Learning Advisors: A workshop kit for emerging researchers.
Crombie, P., Simpson, P., & Fraser, C. (2014)
Do they stay or do they go? The first destinations of international student graduates.
Hammond, K. (2014)

Presentation skills in changing environments.

Honeyfield, J., Fraser, C., & Peterson, R. (2014)
An introduction to everything a Learning Advisor needs to know about the scholarship of teaching and learning in ten easy pages: Yes way!
Laurs, D. & Carter, S. (2014)
Learning Advisors and doctoral border-crossing: Negotiating those frontiers.
Laurs, D. (2014)

Whakawhanaungatanga: Student leadership training at Victoria, University of Wellington.
Ma’auga, C. (2014)
Establishing a successful PASS programme: Learning from our collective experience.
Squires, S. (2014)
We are practical people – Building new initiatives to improve student success in level 2, 3 and 4 programmes.
2012 Institute of Technology, Hamilton
Burns, L. (2013)
The development of an interactive writing tool.
Craig, H. & Riquelme, X. (2013)
Developing an online orientation workshop for first-year students in a distance education context.
Malthus, C. (2013)
Reflecting on one-to-one teaching – What strategies might shed light on our practice?.
Morris, B. (2013)
A journey to access free open source referencing management systems (FOSRMS): Zotero.
Osborne, E. (2013)
Active learning in large groups: A case study from new students’ orientation.
Sturm, S. (2013)
“Physician, heal thyself”: What we can learn from our own writing advice.
Von Randow, J. (2013)
The DELNA language advisory session:How do students respond.
2011 Wellington Institute of Technology (WelTec), Petone
Allan, Q. (2012).
KEYS to academic writing success: A six-stage process account
Carter, S., Datt, A., & Donald, C. (2012).
The pedagogy and practice of elearning: Looking back to redirect the flow.
Fraser, C. & Simpson, P. (2012).
Offshore-onshore: How international students’ expectations of the New Zealand academic enviroment compare to their lived experience.
Holland, A. & Silvester, M. (2012).
The Poutama tukutuku metaphor and how it adds value to the tertiary learning journey.
James, B. (2012).
Creating a place at the table or getting a seat on the boat: Reflections on a strategy to position Academic Language and Learning work in relation to national agendas.
Johnson, E. M., Haines, A. S. and Gera, C. (2012).
WaiBoost: An intensive cohort programme for developing tertiary-level academic skills.
Laurs, D. (2012).
Avoiding plagiarism: Steering clear of the rocks.
Ross, C. (2012).
Navigating towards success: Supporting students on academic probation.
Strauss, P. (2012).
Drifting with the current or steering our own course? EAP practitioners in New Zealand.
Sturm, S. (2012).
Invisible ties: Finding learning as it happens
2010 Polytechnic Institute of Technology, Christchurch
Carter, S. (2011)
Interdisciplinary thesis practicalities: How to negotiate the borderlands.
Jayawardane, J. & Askew, G. (2011)
Embedding language, literacyand numeracy skills in a Youth Guarantee programme: The effectson the participation, retention and achievement of young learners .
Lear, E. & Prentice, S. (2011)
On the road to success: Towards retention best practice.
Rawlings, C. & Grant, R. (2011)
A Sense of belonging: Guidelines and tools for training student-to-student peer mentoring.
Sturm, S. (2011)
Teaching as letting learn: What Martin Heidegger can tell us about one-to-ones.
Wee, C. & Grey, M. (2011)
Working with students on assignment resubmission.
2009, Massey University, Albany
Carter, S. (2010a).
The shifting sands of tertiary individual consultation.
Carter, S. (2010b).
Firming foundations for doctorate education in a shifting global environment: Generic doctoral support.
Cooper, B. & Maxwell, S. (2010) 
Increasing the relevance of academic skills for students in the creative arts.
Counsell, J. (2010).
International students’ experience of an internal pathway to postgraduate study: Recognising and applying writing strategies to their discipline specific work.
Dofs, K. & Hobbs, M. (2010).
Raising the bar on Self-Access Centre learning support .
Fraser. C, Manalo, E. & Marshall, J. (2010)
Many and varied roles: An inter-institutional project to evidence the impact of Learning Advisors on student achievement.
George, L., Allan, G., Barratt, M., Thompson, S. & Tatana, L. (2010)
Cultural care as an integral component of Māori student success
Harris, J. (2010)
Mathematics support at university.
Henning, M. (2010)
Understanding the student self: Considerations for academic advising
Laurs, D. (2010)
Collaborating with postgraduate supervisors.
Mitchell, C. & Malthus, C. (2010)
Building strong writing foundations: An investigation into materials for teaching paraphrasing.
Pocock, A. (2010)
Carry on Student Learning:Shifting what we do, how we do it and where we do it.
Porter, S. (2010)
Teaching Management Mathematics.
Strang, P. & Haines, A. S. (2010)
Bridging the cultural gaps: Collaborative and reflective practice.
White, B. (2010)
Comprehending the always becoming and never is: The concept ‘discipline’ in re.
2008, Whitireia Community Polytechnic, Porirua
Craven, E. (2009)
International students: Sojourners or immigrants? A changing role for tertiary learning advisors.
Hammond, K. (2009)
Transformation of student academic support at the Waitakere campus of Unitec: Issues and directions.
Hobbs, M. (2009)
Get your head in the gutter.
Johnson, M., Haines, A., & Strang, P. (2009)
Transforming our work: Elearning initiatives.
Laurs, D. (2009)
Developing student leaders’ graduate attributes: How student learning support can play a part.
Manalo, E. (2009)
Demonstrating student transformations.
Singh, N. & Harris, K. (2009)
Needs analysis: Identifying learning and academic needs of undergraduate students within a faculty.
Uesaka, Y. Seo, M. & Ichikawa, S. (2009)
Students’ cognitive and non-cognitive beliefs about learning as a factor in learning skills acquisition: Suggestions from cognitive counselling.
2007, University of Auckland
E. Manalo, J. Bartlett-Trafford, & S. Crozier (Eds.) (2007)
Walking a Tightrope: The Balancing Act of Learning Advising.
Refereed Proceedings of the 2007 Annual International Conference of the Association of Tertiary Learning Advisors of Aotearoa New Zealand.
2006, Bay of Plenty Polytechnic, Tauranga
Bartlett, A. (2007)
Anchoring practice: how do we learn the profession of academic language and learning advising?

Carter, S. (2007)
Reflection on best practice: A kiwi perspective on ‘new dimensions for doctoral programmes in Europe’.
Crozier, S. (2007)
“Out damned spot”: Removing the taint of the remedial from learning development.
Hoffman, J. (2007)
An examination of adult students’ past experiences and anxiety from the learner’s perspective.
Lambert, S. (2007)
Māori Writing Retreats: Advancing Māori Postgraduates.
Manalo, E. (2007)
How learning advisors promote significant learning.
Mitchell, C. (2007)
A + B = 1:1, formula required? Reflections on learning development and one-to-one teaching from a new learning development tutor.
Morris, B. (2007)
Murky waters: English speakers of other languages with learning disabilities.
Silvester, M. (2007)
Tortoise’s slow-but-sure strategy: A case study of undergraduate nurses’ beliefs, reported use and actual use of vocabulary learning strategies.
Trembath (2007)
Professionalism: An anchor to the past or a way to the future?
2005, University of Otago, Dunedin
Acheson, C. (2006)
Finding evidence that learning support makes a difference

Anderson, J. & Shepherd, J. (2006)
‘Well said’: Integrating language, learning and assessment to enhance student performance in design presentations.
Ayo, L. & Fraser, C. (2006)
Transformative relationships: A case study of collegial partnerships which have enhanced personal and professional development
Dixon, M. (2006)
21st century plagiarism: The factors, the players and the improvements we can make
Godfrey, K. & Richards, H. (2006)
From Dunedin to Dunedin: Supporting students in the changing world of higher education
Goldfinch, M. (2006)
A pilot discussion board for questions about referencing: What do students say and do?
Hunter, K. (2006)
Embedding academic literacy development in the curriculum: A University of Technology, Sydney case study.

Jansen, G. (2006)
Shared space: A pilot study of In-Class Support.
Melhop, V. (2006)
What happens between not understanding and understanding? Mature students on the threshold.
Mort, P. & Holloway, L. (2006)
Supporting the PhD: Genre and Moves in engineering theses introductions.
O’Connor, L. (2006)
Writing, identity and ways of knowing in science.
Procter, L. (2006)
Not such strange bedfellows! Supporting learning by embedding information literacy skills in academic assessment.
Radloff, A. (2006)
Supporting student learning in the 21stcentury university:What’s the job and whose job is it?
Van der Meer, J. (2006)
Spoon-feeding or mind-reading?First-year students’ need for explicit communication of expectations.

Following is a list of the more recent conference venues:

2018 Victoria University of Wellington (Conference)
2017 Auckland University (Symposium)
2016 Lincoln University (Conference)
2016 International Consortium of Academic Language and Learning Developers (ICALLD) Inaugural Online Symposium
2015 Victoria University of Wellington (Symposium)
2014 Auckland University of Technology
2013 Eastern Institute Of Technology
2012 Waikato Institute Of Technology
2011 Wellington Institute of Technology
2010 Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology
2009 Massey University (Albany)
2008 Whitireia Community Polytechnic (Porirua campus)
2007 Auckland University of Technology (Auckland)
2006 Bay of Plenty Polytechnic (Tauranga)
2005 University of Otago (Dunedin)
2004 Western Institute of Technology (New Plymouth)
2003 University of Waikato (Hamilton)
2002 Victoria University (Wellington)
2001 University of Waikato (Hamilton)
2000 Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology